Jesse N. Marquez is the founder and executive director of the non-profit community based Environmental Justice Organization the Coalition For A Safe Environment. Born and raised in the Latino community of Wilmington, California, Jesse is 68 years old and has been an activist in the area since he was 17. He founded his organization in April of 2001 to eliminate, reduce, and mitigate the negative environmental, public health, public safety and community socio-economic impacts caused by International Trade Marine Ports, Freight Transportation, Petroleum and Energy Industries.

Dr. Miller attended Memphis State University, graduating Magna Cum Laude with majors in both Biology and Physical Science. He then attended Baylor College of Medicine graduating with an M.D. degree in 1973. Subsequently, he completed a Residency in Radiation Oncology at the LAC-USC Medical Center from 1974-1977. He passed written Boards in Radiation Oncology but abandoned that field for Emergency Medicine, and has been practicing Emergency Medicine since 1978. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and has been re-certified in E.M. 3 times. 3 years ago he retired from Kaiser-Permanente Orange County locations after 25 years.
Dr. Miller served on the Coastal San Pedro Neighborhood Council in the past as well as served on Mayor Jim Hahn’s NO Net Increase Task force whose goal was to reduce Port Related air pollution back to 1995 levels.
Ed Avol is Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine and Chief of the Environmental Health Division in the USC Department of Preventive Medicine. His research has focused on understanding short and long-term effects of air pollution on people, especially children. He is active in community outreach and education, particularly with regard to children’s health and the health and air quality impacts of seaport-related cargo goods movement. He leads the undergraduate Environmental Health teaching program through the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program at USC, and was awarded the 2017 Constance Mehlman Award from the International Society for Exposure Science for his career work in applying exposure science to improving policy for public health.

To protect, promote, preserve and restore our Mother Earth’s delicate ecology, environment, natural resources and wildlife. To mitigate, reduce and eliminate public exposure and public health impacts caused by air, land and water pollution generated by the Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach, International Cargo & Cruise Ships, the Petroleum Industry, Energy Sources and the Goods Movement Transportation Industry.
The Coalition For A Safe Environment (CFASE) is a non-profit community based Environmental Justice, Public Health, Public Safety and Community Sustainability advocacy organization. CFASE was established in in April 2001 in the City of Los Angeles Latino community of Wilmington, CA. CFASE is involved in community organizing, family assistance, public education, public health care, public safety, leadership development, community empowerment, urban planning, community sustainability, economic development and public policy participation. CFASE conducts public health surveys, distributes public information, prepares research reports, evaluates environmental impact reports, investigates environmental incidents, prepares public comment documents, attends governmental agency public hearings, private business and community organization meetings. CFASE researches, supports and recommends the use of the zero emission transportation technologies, maximum achievable pollution control technologies, clean fuels, renewable energy sources, efficiency technologies, waste management and recycling programs. CFASE believes that we must plan and invest in a future sustainable community environment and balance the need for economic growth and the public’s best interests.